Sunday, 29 December 2013

Here lies the Success!

"Success" a fascinating and most desired word in our life. We all are running after it, somehow, and trying to find out the ways to be a successful person. So, I thought it would be great if we talk about how to meet the success in our lives as there are very simple rules and ways to meet it. And for this you don't "necessarily" have to be on the roof top of the field that you are finding success in. Now, here comes the need to define what is exactly the measure of success in one's life.

Someone has beautifully defined the soul of being a successful person by saying:

"Success is, defeating your last attempt"

It defines that if you do better than your previous attempt, it's the success point that you are standing upon. I feel it is a call, never to fear trying new things, whether you are expert in or not. Because if you don't dare to try, thinking that you are keeping yourself away from failure. But that's not the truth. Analysing it realistically, you would see that every time you skipped an attempt, you embraced a failure. It is not that if you jump into the arena and get defeated by your opponents, to be declared as a failed person. Check it on a true basis, failure is failure even if it is not a declared one and similarly the success is success even if no one contributes to recognize it.

As you overcome the fear to try, you are on the way to make success -at least- by defeating your past performances. Let's take an example here: A toddler is eager to walk but fears to fall on taking steps. If he gets harassed by the failure to stand up and the injuries he might get, he'll never learn how to walk. So he puts himself on the way to stand up first, for which he learns how to use his legs by crawling. Now, crawling is way lesser than walking. What if he considers his crawl a failure??? Obviously he will never use his legs which he could use to walk and even to run very fast.

For this, he has to believe that crawling is the first success or the first step to a successful walk. This optimism will surely make him crawl and crawl until he learns how to stand and walk. Going through all the steps of crawling and standing, then taking steps with the help of other objects, he will finally be a mature child to walk and run.

Here comes a thought that if we value the little things that we can do, we will surely be a successful person in our field one day. After putting efforts there comes a day, when finally we can stand in the fruitful and productive people. After this, if we continue, we happen to meet ourselves standing out the people of our field. The thing is to believe in what you are and what you can do.

We harp up upon the same string, saying that there is nothing useless in this world. Yeah, really there isn't! Then how can we think, what we have got is useless? We being the human beings are the superior creature, that makes me think, it's a sin to call ourselves as useless or any ability that we got. No! there isn't anything useless but the truth is, we don't find time and courage to evaluate what do our traits mean. The moment, we become able finding out there is a way to the network of ways to success. Yes, it is!

For the sake of it, do not compare your success with others. Looking onto the other aspect of defeating your last attempt says that, at a certain point, if you won a competition (in any field of life) but you won that keeping yourself lower than you naturally do, it's not a success (even if you are declared winner) but you failed to defeat to your last performance. It makes the idea quite refined, that "Success" means different in different scenarios.

What I have learnt till now is, Never fear! Never look down at yourself! Never give up! Be realistic towards what you are! Get into the role and grab your "success", because this way has a signal that says HERE LIES THE SUCCESS..

(It does not matter what it is or how it works, but you've got the coupons for a successful life. So, find it! :) )

Friday, 27 December 2013

Greed is Great!

Anyone can freak out, reading the title of today's post. But it's what I have learnt through experiences that truly or exactly, GREED IS GREAT!

Now, first of all I would like to clear what do I mean by greed. Keeping my experience in view it revealed to be:

"An ever unsatisfied desire to get something"

Now, this "something" can be power, wealth, good name, fame, a big social network, having your fans, enjoying appetising food, hangouts with friends, to be loved like no one else, be first in what you do etc. There is a great stuff that can be added to this "something". Most of us have an ever lasting desire to have these things in our lives and we demand them to be even greater than the last time, for which we keep up making efforts in devising new ways to satisfy the thirst.

So, what we see is, whenever we get our desired thing we are always looking to have it again and in the better form to keep up with the competing environment in every aspect of our life.

Let's take an example, that you do not wish birthday to your little boy. He will have a desire that you wish him someday and there comes a time when you finally bother to greet him. The next time you'll see that he has a desire to be wished along with a present, you do that to enhance his delight. Even next will be a wish of arranging a party so that he may share that bliss with his fellows and cousins, and you manage to do that the next time for he get satisfied. Coming up is a desire that his friends must get meals besides merely a piece of cake and the party must be a striking one, you do no do that and the result is unsatisfactory even if you celebrate the birthday you did the last time. By the time you'll notice that his thirst has been given a rise every-time you created a bigger event than before. But why? you were making efforts to win his delight..

What did it conclude is, the wish got a rise in the form of a greed every-time it got satisfied.

Greed is a propensity in all of us, we have got that by the time we took birth and swayed the flag of our existence on this earth. We were infant, we wanted to be in childhood, then wished for teenage, afterwards we want to live a mature life, we want to get married, we want kids and afterwards is a long list... This shows that the greed is really circulating like blood in our veins which not only enhances the thirst but makes it to get satisfied only if the next attempt is better than before. (That's why I feel it stands out from perseverance and consistency.)

Now turn the camera to the positive side and effects of this Greed, as we got the meaning that it adds to the thirst every-time it gets satisfied. All of us have a Dream, a Desire, a Goal for which we are living our lives.

I see greed, doing great things in the life of the people.

If we start speaking truth, its greed will create a society of true people. If we practice honesty, its greed will create an honest society. If we practice not to hurt the people, it will create a society of happy people. If we practice controlling our sexual desires, it will give birth to a society where every woman will be safe and free. As we'll start exploring ourselves, the greed will generate a world of successful people and so on. We can surely change the environment of the whole world if we keep doing the right things...

But be sure to add the greed...

"An ever unsatisfied desire to get something"

(I am on the way to be greedy to write the good stuff for people :) )

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Minimizing and Utilizing the Problems

The word “Problems” exists in everyone’s life but with a different meaning. Similarly, “Problems” stay for a different period of time with different people. The truth behind is, sometimes problems do not stop chasing us and sometimes we don’t stop chasing problems.

It might seem foolish or meaningless that “sometimes we don’t stop chasing problems”. But this is the fact that restricts or extends the duration for the stay of a problem in our lives.

How do we chase problems?

The answer to this question is simple and easy to understand that if we come across certain problematic situation, instead of fighting and hiding it, we go on feeling and thinking that how bigger the problem is. This analysis, if goes on for longer period of time, makes us feel the exaggerated impacts of that particular problem.

This is a common phenomenon that we love to be in a company where we find that people value us and we like spending more of our time in them. Because we need value for ourselves and wherever we get it, we happen to be there and feel delighted. Same is the case with our spiritual and cognitive aspects that the more we value a particular aspect the more we feel it happening in our lives. If we feel and do things that create happiness for us and for others, it starts getting reflected in our practical life.

Same is the case with problems; they disturb us more when we go on thinking more about them or when we create problems for others they ultimately meet us somewhere. Because the problems feel that we value them by staying, thinking, exaggerating, communicating and spreading them.

How to respond to a problem?

  • ·         Don’t get hyper instantly, as it lessens the ability to think.
  • ·         Analyse quickly whether it is really a problem or just seems to be?
  • ·         If it’s really a problem, check out the priority, whether it really targets you?
  • ·         If you are the direct target, think about the possible ways to resolve it. And if others are also liable, first try to narrow down the number of targets.
  • ·         Do not spend time, measuring the pain or lose the problem has given to you (it will add nothing in letting it go, further) it will not let you find out the quicker solutions for it.
  • ·         Remember, there is always a remedy to a spiritual and cognitive disease. That gets revealed when you find it staying in control.
  • ·         Keep yourself strong to deal with the situations staying normal. (I defeated 90% of my big problems when I responded to them staying in control and open to solutions.)
  • ·         Never under-estimate yourself, the effect of being yourself is bigger than any other effect.

The key feature, that has helped me a lot in dealing with any kind of situation was “The thing I am doing being in anger can also be done staying normal” and the second way was the best every time, I did.

The second thing that added to my positive behaviour towards problems was, every bad situation ends up with some life time lessons and experiences. And I started taking it as a game to welcome any kind of situation with an open heart and mind because, in the end, it will give me something useful. Rather finding the difficulties and problems a disaster, now I find them opportunities to learn something new.

(Human nature is widely versatile and unpredictable, but still based on similarity some suggestions may work)

Monday, 23 December 2013

Dilemma of Human Nature

When we don't get a thing we were running after (in wrong direction), and the time takes that thing away from us after giving chances to embrace it.

We make an attitude, hiding ourselves behind "The grapes are sour, I shall not eat them" and feel that we are strong enough to leave that thing (while we are left with no opportunity any-more).

Life is to embrace the reality. The right is right even if we think it's wrong, while wrong is wrong even if we thing that it's right. 

Instead of feeling that fake strength, try to make right decisions at right time and let the TIME know that:

I realized it before you told me, 
and learnt it before you could teach me, 
and practised before you could beat me.